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Contract Rollover Rule

It is advised to always specify the precise contract symbol you wish to trade, rather than relying on the continuous contract symbol. The rollover process in TradingView, brokers, or exchanges may differ from how PickMyTrade manages rollovers. While we plan to enhance this feature in the future, for now, it's best to manually select the exact contract symbol you intend to trade

In a recent update, we've enhanced the handling of continuous contract symbols and the transition between contracts.

We will now shift from the current contract to the next one four days prior to the expiration date. For example, with NQZ2024 expiring on Friday, December 20th, 2024, we will transition from NQZ2024 to NQH2025 in the continuous contract (NQ1!) on Monday, December 16th, 2024.

You are responsible for closing futures contract positions before they expire or manually rolling them over. PickMyTrade does not automatically handle futures contract positions in relation to their expiration dates.